07 Dec

Then in this show let me an actor be, That this proud Pope may Faustus' cunning [114] see. MEPHIST. Let it be so, my Faustus. But, first, stay, And view their triumphs as they pass this way; And then devise what best contents thy mind, By cunning in thine art to cross the Pope, Or dash the pride of this [115] solemnity; To make his monks and abbots stand like apes, And point like antics at [116] his triple crown; To beat the beads about the friars' pates, Or clap huge horns upon the Cardinals' heads; Or any villany thou canst devise; And I'll perform it, [117] Faustus. Hark! they come: This day shall make thee be admir'd in Rome. Enter the CARDINALS and BISHOPS, some bearing crosiers, some the pillars; MONKS and FRIARS, singing their procession; then the POPE, RAYMOND king of Hungary, the ARCHBISHOP OF RHEIMS, BRUNO led in chains, and ATTENDANTS. POPE. Cast down our footstool. RAYMOND. Saxon Bruno, stoop, Whilst on thy back his Holiness ascends Saint Peter's chair and state pontifical. BRUNO. Proud Lucifer, that state belongs to me; But thus I fall to Peter, not to thee. POPE. To me and Peter shalt thou grovelling lie, And crouch before the Papal dignity.-- Sound trumpets, then; for thus Saint Peter's heir,

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