fathom above his head, fell a flame in manner of a lightning, and changed itselfe into a globe..... Suddenly the globe opened, and sprung up in the height of a man; so burning a time, in the end it converted to the shape of a fiery man[?-- This pleasant beast ran about the circle a great while, and, lastly, appeared in the manner of a Gray Fryer, asking Faustus what was his request?" Sigs. A 2, A 3, ed. 1648. Again; "After Doctor Faustus had made his promise to the devill, in the morning betimes he called the spirit before him, and commanded him that he should alwayes come to him like a fryer after the order of Saint Francis, with a bell in his hand like Saint Anthony, and to ring it once or twice before he appeared, that he might know of his certaine coming." Id. Sig. A 4.] [Footnote 55: came hither-- So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "came NOW hither."] [Footnote 56: accidens-- So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "accident."] [Footnote 57: Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it-- Compare Milton, Par. Lost, iv. 75; "Which way I fly is hell; myself am hell."] [Footnote 58: these-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "those."] [Footnote 59: Jove's-- See note ‡, p. 80. [i.e. Note 24] : ] [Footnote 60: four and twenty-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "24."] [Footnote 61: resolve-- i.e. satisfy, inform.] [Footnote 62: thorough-- So one of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "through."] [Footnote 63: country-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "land."] [Footnote 64: desir'd-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "desire."]