Faustus is gone: regard his hellish fall, Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise, Only to wonder at unlawful things, Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits To practice more than heavenly power permits. [Exit.] Terminat hora diem; terminat auctor opus. FOOTNOTES: [Footnote 1: mate-- i.e. confound, defeat.] [Footnote 2: vaunt-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "daunt."] [Footnote 3: her-- All the 4tos "his."] [Footnote 4: Whereas-- i.e. where.] [Footnote 5: cunning-- i.e. knowledge.] [Footnote 6: So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "more."] [Footnote 7: FAUSTUS discovered in his study-- Most probably, the Chorus, before going out, drew a curtain, and discovered Faustus sitting. In B. Barnes's DIVILS CHARTER, 1607, we find; "SCEN. VLTIMA. ALEXANDER VNBRACED BETWIXT TWO CARDINALLS in his study LOOKING VPON A BOOKE, whilst a groome draweth the Curtaine." Sig. L 3.] [Footnote 8: Analytics, 'tis thou, &c.-- Qy. "Analytic"? (but such phraseology was not uncommon).] [Footnote 9: So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "the" (the printer having mistaken "yt" for "ye").] [Footnote 10: So the later 4tos (with various spelling).--2to 1604 "Oncaymaeon."] [Footnote 11: and-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.] [Footnote 12: Couldst-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "Wouldst."]