07 Dec

highest point. This is perhaps his finest tavola. Rossini calls it " la piu soave fra le sue pitture ad olio." Engraved : Lorenzini, Lasinio Felsing of Darmstadt. PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN. Wood, 074 x 0*54 =2 ft. 5 x 1.9. [No. 1230.] Bust of a woman, richly dressed, who holds a basket of spindles in her hand. A paltry work, apparently of a copyist. ST. JAMES AND CHORISTERS. Canvas, 1*53 x 0-83 = 5 ft. x 2.9. [No. 1254.] Originally a standard painted about 1528 for the lay society of St. Giacomo del Nicchio, and carried by them in processions. Has suffered much from exposure to weather. St. James, staff in hand, caresses a boy in chorister's dress. Another boy, similarly habited, holds the book of the order. This picture was placed in the Ufifizi in 1795. I* ' s " a little dim and injured." Crowe and Cavalcaselle. En- graved : G. P. Lorenzini. 84 CATALOGUE OF WORKS MADONNA, CHILD, AND ST. JOHN. Wood, 073 x 0-55 = 2 ft. 5 x 1.9. [No. 1146.] Copies of this in Dulwich Gallery, and Madrid. ACADEMY, FLORENCE. Two CHILD ANGELS. Wood, 073x0-42 = 2 ft. 5x1.4. [No. 6 1.] Painted for the monks of Vallombrosa in 1528. Origin- ally a part of " The Four Saints," No. 76 in the Academy.

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