together with death, captivity under his power w r ho thenceforth had the empire of death, that is to say, the devil, and that the entire Adam, through that 90 ROMAN CATHOLICISM the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. And I look for the resurrec- tion of the dead, and the life of the world to come. offence of prevarication, was changed, in body and soul, for the worse, let liim be anathema. 2. If any one asserts that the prevarication of Adam injured himself alone, and not his posterity ; and that the holiness and justice, received of God, which he lost, he lost for himself alone, and not for us also ; or that he, being defiled by the sin of disobedience, has only transfused death and the pains of the body into the whole human race, but not sin also, which is the death of the soul ; let him be anathema : forasmuch as he contradicts the Apostle, who says : By one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death ; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned. 3. If any one denies that, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, wliich is conferred in baptism, the guilt REMISSION OF ORIGINAL SIN 91