07 Dec

" It is situated at the south-western extremity of the Koondahs. " This Pass has never heretofore been used, except by bands of smugglers : they found it guarded by elephants and impracticable forests, which with its remote situation made it well adapted for the carrying on in secrecy of their unlawful trade. "Lieutenant Le Hardy and I, endeavoured to descend the Ghaut on the forenoon of the 21st. taking the perambulator with us, and a party of pioneers with hatchets and axes, to clear the obstructed passages. We expected to have nearly reached the bottom of the actual Ghaut. We found the road most steep, difficult and tedious, not passable for horses, and after descending for two miles, we returned, to avoid being benighted. I sent on a Havildar, (who had learned to use the perambulator,) with pioneers and guides, and gave him orders to push on till he reached Mungeree in the low country, a large village not far from the Beypoor river, and in the direct road to Calicut. " The party took three days to reach Mungaree, 128 APPENDIX. having had to cut their way through many parts of the jungle, and being much incommoded, after descending the Ghaut, by small leeches, which are very numerous at the foot of the hills. They returned withut any accident or misfortune, to the top of the Ghaut, and

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