07 Dec

from one to the other, cases which suffer from sudden changes of weather, from electricity or from the want of exercise on this head I speak with the more confi- dence, as I have tried the experiment by sending seve- ral invalids from Oatacamund to Kotagherry at the commencement of the southwest monsoon, with the most beneficial results. " I have no hesitation therefore in earnestly recom- mending for the consideration of the Committee, the propriety of obtaining the sanction of government for the establishment of a subordinate sanitarium at Dim- hutty for European soldiers, to contain from twenty-five to thirty-five men, and quarters for sick officers on a similar scale, to which generally they should be sent on their first arrival, and retained there till their cure is sufficiently advanced to admit their bearing with im- punity the further change to Oatacamund, or on the other hand, to which they might be transferred from the APPENDIX. 121 latter place, when bad weather or other circumstances render such a change advisable. " With a view to ensure a proper selection of cases, they might all be submitted to the Superintending Me- dical Officer, for him to decide as to the prudence of placing them in the first instance at Dimhutty, or bring- ing them at once to Oatacamund it being obviously unnecessary that all cases indiscriminately be submitted

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