with corresponding accommodation for one or more European Regiments on their first arrival. (Signed) " R. BAIKIE, M. D. " Superintending Medical Officer, " Neilgherries" APPENDIX. 117 MEMORANDUM ON THE CLIMATE OF DIMHUTTY. " IT appears from the register of the thermometer kept at Kotagherry, that the average difference of tem- perature betwixt that place and Oatacamund is, from five to six degrees ; a difference not entirely depending on the relative elevation of the two places, which at the assumed rate of one degree per 380 feet, would only give three degrees of difference. Dimhutty being somewhat lower than Kotagherry, situated in a hollow, and less exposed to the wind, it may be assumed that there will be a further difference of one degree, or one in fifty, making the total overage of difference of tem- perature between Oatacamund and Dimhutty about eight degrees. "The Medical Officer at Kotagherry being in posses- sion of no meteorological instruments, except a ther- mometer, the subjoined observations are necessarily in some degree hypothetical, but being partly founded on my own observation, the Committee will know what weight to give them.