07 Dec

and distinguished as much for his military as for his diplomatic talents. His acquirements as an oriental scholar were of the first order, and it was a common observation of the higher class of the natives, who knew him, that his pronunciation of the Persian and Hindoostanee languages was so perfect, that if speaking from behind a curtain, it would be impossible to re- cognize him as an European. Not far from hence is the pillar which bears the name of the intimate friend of Sir Barry Close, Mr. Josiah Webbe, a man whose exalted qualities and public services would have done honor to the best days of Greece or Rome, as is well AND NEILGHERRY HILLS. 93 expressed on the public monument raised to his memory in Fort St George. These were the radiant stars of that constellation of talent, by which the presidency of Madras was distin- guished during the administration of Lord Clive, the remembrance of whose government will go down with unfading honor to posterity, a fit seqeul to the glorious services of his illustrious father. The sloping ground on which Closepett is built, runs down to the river Arkavutty, over which is an excellent bridge of fifteen arches.

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