in danger of wasting many hours and days of pre- cious time. Aim to know the views and feelings of every one of your people. Be specially attentive to the young. You may set it down as a fact, that every young man and woman, yes, every boy and 23l> A Busy Life. girl old enough to think in your charge, who has not been brought to Christ, is Interested in spiritual things. Young people are commonly timid. They shrink from speaking of these things and yet long, many times with an unutterable longing, to unbosom themselves to some one in whom they can trust and who can help them. Cultivate their confidence. Talk kindly to them. Beware of repelling them with coldness or severity. It is your business to take them by the hand and lead them to Jesus. Do not neglect the sick; study how to cheer, comfort and encourage them. Aim so to conduct your visits that your words may do them good. To talk and pray with the sick profitably is a very high attain- ment. Do not rest content until you have made it. If you fail in this part of your work, you can hardly be a success as a pastor, and you will have no very strong hold on the affections of your people. Be careful, however, that you do not fall into the opposite and equally dangerous extreme of under- valuing your pulpit work, and of giving almost ex-