07 Dec

might interfere with your standing up for the truth and the right. Don't permit any son of mischief to wheedle you into saying or doing anything wrong or ridiculous. If you do permit yourself to be fooled, keep it to yourself. Beware of proclaiming your own stupidity to the public. Let conscience and good common sense be your guide, and you will not go far wrong. Remember that your money is given you by your father to meet your necessary expenses. You have no right to waste it. Send him a complete and exact account of your expenses every month. It is his right. If you make a foolish 212 A Busy Life. expenditure, tell him all about it. He knows a boy's wants and dangers, and will be ready to overlook the blunder. Cover up nothing from him. No matter what happens, let him know everything. It will give him unspeakable pleasure to know that you trust him and tell him all. In general, remember that you will never have any better friends than your father and mother. Honor them, trust them, do all you can to make them happy; they will do more for you than any other friends you will ever find. I need not tell you to attend your own church regularly. Be a consistent Christian, an earnest

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