07 Dec

a favor merely, but demanding protection. Can there be any question about this? As certainly as 192 A Busy Life. any man has a right to go before the government and demand protection against any infringement upon his rights, so certainly has he a right to de- mand this. And instead, therefore, my friends, of those who are engaged in this business being at liberty to do as they please, and no man meddling with them, the people have a right to demand of them that, as trespassing upon the rights of their neighbors, they shall stop their iniquitous business. The question comes, then, may the government protect? That is not enough. The government must protect, or it will neglect a most important duty. It is the duty of the government to protect my right to property. It is the duty of the govern- ment to protect my liberty, and, in protecting my life, my liberty and property, it does well. But, my friends, what is a man's right to a piece of property compared with a man's right to be sober? What is a woman's right to property compared to her right to have a sober husband? What is the children's right to anything as compared with their right to be free from the curse of a drunken father ? What are parents' rights in other respects to compare with their right not to be molested in bringing up

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