07 Dec

of righteousness and of judgment, and you can also pray that the Spirit may come and dwell in the hearts of those who have him not and who are strangers to his presence and power. Fail not to honor the Spirit by duly appreciating his work and seeking his precious influences. 5. To the end that you may discharge fully the obligations resting on you towards the Spirit, study the doctrine of the Spirit carefully and do what in you lies to comprehend it fully. THE STATE AND TEMPERANCE. A lecture delivered in the United Presbyterian Church, at Wooster, Ohio, in the winter of 1882-3. The question coining to the front just now is not, Is intemperance an evil, and should men be temper- ate? Not, Is it our duty to persuade men from drinking and to become abstainers? But, Has the State anything to do with it as to the manufacture and sale of alcohol ? As a drug for use in medicine and the arts, there is no question. The difference relates altogether to the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. The question is not, What is the platform of this party or that? The question is not, What does the constitution of the country say? The question is not, What is pub- lic opinion on the subject? But, What does God's law of righteousness demand of the nation and

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