promptly its own varying state; to follow out suc- cessfully those endless chains of thought bound together by the laws of association, to concentrate itself on a single subject or a single quality until fully examined and thoroughly understood, to trace resemblances, to detect diversities, to group individ- uals into species, species into genera, to rise from particulars to generals, until the great principles of truth are fully eliminated and firmly grasped ; to treas- ure facts rapidly, retain them firmly, r.nd recall them promptly and correctly; to form right judgments, to draw sound conclusions, to rise from the known to the unknown, and thus starting with the facts of perception and consciousness to advance onward boldly and confidently into the realms of the unex- plored and determine what there is true, to group into one image conceptions widely diverse, and thus form pictures of utility, beauty, grandeur, and sub- limity before unknown, to delight in the truly beautiful, in the natural, moral and spiritual worlds, and turn displeased from the opposite; to subordi- Claims of the Bible. 91 nate all the faculties to the stern authority of the will, to express accurately, earnestly, impressively its varied thoughts and feelings, as to enable the man to instruct, to convince, to persuade, to arouse his fellows in a word, to control them at his pleas-