influence in the neighborhood. If you study care- fully the character and standing of the membeis of your session, you will likely find one or more from whom you may learn much, and who, if cordially sustaining you, will be to you a tower of strength ; if against you, you will remain where yoa are but a short time. Look out such men . Become familiar with them. Draw them out. Learn their views and feelings. Talk over with them your plans and schemes. Find out their opinions about them. Be very sure you are right ; be very sure of the sup- port of the other elders and of the people; if you decide to act contrary to the convictions of such men, carefully reconsider the whole matter, and take plenty of time for it before you come to such a conclusion. Wishing you a successful pastorate, I remain, Yours fraternally, D. A. W. IV. Deae Brother: — There is a prevailing feeling that the whole work of the preacher must be per- formed in the pulpit. Hence, many, to a great To a Young Minister. 235 extent, excuse themselves from the more private preaching. This, however, is not according to apos- tolic practice. Paul in his address to tlie Ephesian elders speaks of having taught "publicly and from