152 A Busy Life. guardian imparts to liim as he needs during his minority. It is only when he reaches full manhood that he enters on the enjoyment of his estate. Dur- ing the years of his non-age, he trusts his guardian for the supply of his daily wants, and applies to him for it. So the believer already possesses the inherit- ance in Christ; complete salvation is already his; while in this w^orld he trusts in him for the supply of his continually returning wants, and applies to him for it, but when the appointed time arrives, he enters on the full enjoyment of the inheritance. Receiving and resting in Christ for salvation, as he is offered in the gospel, w^e begin to live holy lives, seeking to walk in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. Let it be noted, that repentance, wdth all the graces of the Spirit f ollow" from union to Christ . Believers are married to Christ that they may bring forth fruit unto God. '' As the branch can not bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. '' First one wdth Christ by faith and the indwelling of his Spirit, and then holy living. A w^ord to those w-ho are guiding inquirers. The first thing required of the sinner is to go to Christ and believe in him. Beware how you put anything between the sinner and Christ. You may point him