The expence for public instruction amounts to 300,400,000 livres. 20. Romme, Goujon, Duquesnoy, Soubrany, Duroy, and Bourbotte, members of the convention, and active leaders in the late riots, are executed. 23. Boissy d'Anglas reads a new constitution, which the convention proposes to read article by article. Insurrection at Arras for bread. The convention orders a school of 200 apprentices to watch-making. 26. Bellisle is summoned by the English, and returns a resolute answer of defiance. A complete victory obtained over the Spaniards. 2. The emigrants in England are put under the orders of Puissaye, and disembark at Quiberon. The deputies Peyssard and Forrestier condemned to prison. Prieur de la Marne and Albitte escape judgment by flight. The value of a louis-d'or is up to 1000 livres. All citizens from 16 to 60 commanded to serve in the national guard; and in their oath to swear these words, "Hatred against Kings". Decreed, that murders, which were to be punished with 20 years imprisonment, shall in future be punished with death. A member proposes that the convention should look back and punish all judiciary assassinations,