the infinite? Look around; you are moving in mys- tery. The human you cannot grasp; the divine you cannot. You can know of it; but to comprehend it is impossible. Mystery is a mark of the divine. Christianity comes to us with its fathomless depths and cloud-capped heights; shall we pronounce it unworthy of God because we cannot understand its immensities? Nay; can I comprehend Christianity as I can a human philosophy ? I would reject it as an imposture. The infinite must be incomprehen- sible by the finite; the divine by the human. (2.) But if Christianity is true it is self-consist- ent. Is it? This is a hard test. Many writers, in many lands, in distant ages have set forth this system. In calm history; in the flights of sublime poetry ; in the bold symbols of prophecy; in the similitude of parables and allegory; in the profound discussion of phil- osophy, its principles have been exhibited; one here, another there; one phase of this, another of that. When of all these diverse utterances we de- mand that they shall be self-consistent, as the expres- sion of the thoughts of a single mind, we apply a test which no false system can stand. The question is, Does Christianity stand this test? 1 answer: It 136 A Busy Life. must stand it or be condemned. To be proved self-