07 Dec

DEVOTED HUMBLE SERVANT, H. GOUDEMETZ. C 149 ] JUDGMEJVT AGAINST LOUIS XVI. IN the National Convention of France,* on the 17th, i8ih, and 19th days of January, 1793, the three following queflions were fuccelTively put to the vote. QUESTION THE FIRST. Is LOUIS guilty or not? Of the 745 members of the Convention, 20 were abfent, 5 fick, 27 gave modified opinions, 693 voted in the affirmative. Prefident — " I declare in the name of the National " Convention LOUIS CAPET to be found guilty • N. B. In this Convention, 76 were ex-nobles; between 50 and 60 ex-priefts; the reft confifted of lawyers, merchants, hufbandmen, and a great number of artifans, men who had no property, but what they acquued by fpoil from the rich. [ "SO ] ". of a confpiracy againfl: the liberty of the nation, " ;md of an attempt to didurb the public fecurity." QUESTION THE SECOND. SJjcill the fentence to he pojf^d upon LOUI$ be re- ferred to the fantliori of the people?

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