adopt a plan of a general amnefty for any aft regarding the revolution, excepting al- ways the baniflied priefts, the emigrants, the fabricators of forged affignats, and the aflaffins of the South. As to the puniiliment of death, it is not to be aboliflied till peace be eftabliflied. 24. Rewbell pretends that the new govern- ment cannot eflablifli itfelf but by calling in the affignats, and fubftituting an augmenta- tion of taxes. The convention, having proclaimed an am- nefly, declares its fittings at an end; and to make up the 500 members who are to re- main, it conftitutes itfelf into an eleftoral body. Le Bon is condemned to death by the cri- minal tribunal of Amiens. The colonifts of St. Domingo, who are at Paris, nominate their deputies to the new legillature. C 139 ] 26. From the 12th to the end of this month the Auftrians continue without ceafmg to purfue the French, and to defiroy them in great numbers. CHAPTER IV.