07 Dec

in a full alfembly whether it Ihould continue to acknowlege the convention ; or whether it fliould not arreft the reprefentative Lamar. 5. Dutch ambafladors are received in the con- vention, and the treaty of alliance between the republics ratified. 6. The Vendeans declare that the treaty with them is fliamefuUy evaded ; and they again take up arms. Their brave leader Charette publiflies a manifefto. Decreed, that the property of thofe con- demned or executed fuice the eftablifliment i 123 ] of the revolutionary tribunals (Hall be tc- flored to their families; except thofe of Louis Capet, and his wife, of Philip Ega- lite, and Madame du Barre. Decree to apply the palace of Verfailles to national ufes. Affignats burned to this month amount to 2,623,^0,000 livres. 7. The fortrefs of Luxemburg, almofl impreg- nable, furrenders to the French from want of provifions. 8. Louis Charles, the defcendant of 60 Kings, the fon of Louis XVL whom the royalifls

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