Thfe Coiim d'Artois lands in England on his way to, and with the defign' of forming a junflion with, Charette. A new rtiode of preferving com difcovered by a phyfician of Montpelier. 22. Tumults in the theatres of Paris. The convention brings large bodies of troops into Paris. Boiffy d'Anglas, ^^refenting a pifture of France triumphant on all fides, and forcing Kings to court its friendlhip and alliance, befeeches the convention to dillinf^uifh the laft moments of its exiftence by afts of be- neficence, healing all wounds, drying up teai-s, and repairing by the force of juftice thofe evils v/hich tyrants had brought upon the World. 24. Lyons is denounced as attached to royalty. 25. -The conflitution is declared to be perfefted. The ' word Sans-Culotides is excluded from the calendar. 28. The region of Mail complains that the ca- pital is lilled wiih troops. C 133 J Treaty of peace between the Landgrave of Heffe-CalTel and France. Several fe(Slions complain of the number of