of Sablons near Paris. Decreed, that a new grammar be publifhed, to give to the language of liberty a cha- racter that is fuitable to it. 8; Jourdan, called Coupe-tete, general of the army at Avignon, guillotined. The fon and daughter of Louis XVI. em- ployed to make llioes and fhirts for the nation. lo. General Clairfait is obliged to retreat. The French take Port-Vendre, CoUieure, aM St. Elme. 13. A feflival to the Eternal. Robefpierre a£l:s the part of Pontiff. The ceremony is de- figned to fatisfy the people, by putting an end to atheifm. The members of the convention affume the diflinftion of a plume of feathers in the hat, and a three-coloured fcarf. The French army in Maritime Flanders amounts to 170,000 ra^n. The inviolability of the members of the convention is renewed. A large convoy from America with corn arrives in France. 16. The French lofe 7000 men in an a£lion near Charleroy.