coined of copper and bell-metal. A deputation of blacks appears at the bar to be received as brethren. Decreed, that every officer and foldier, of whatever rank, fliall have an equal quantity of provifions, a man having but one ftomach. 7, The 48 fe^lions of Paris appear at the bar to proteft againft any fufpenfion of arms. C 85 ] All mints for coining money fupprelTed, ex- cept that of Paris. The commune of Chamberry fends to the convention twelve thoufand marks* of filver, together with the fword of Prince Eugene, five feet long. Manifello of the Germanic body to juftify the war^vith France. The Prince of Talmond and fourteen priefls guillotined. One of the two brothers, of La Vendee, from whom the Chouans took their name, is killed by the republicans. A bloody quarrel between the republican and revolutionary foldiers of the French army. The Vendeans obtain advantages at Cholet. The Duke and Duchefs of Luynes, and