07 Dec

be burned. Decreed, that fixty-two millions of affignats (hall be at the difpofition of the war-minifter G 2 C'84 ] 29. every month. And that 95,000 cavalry be raifed for the next fpring. 30. Upwards of three thoufand peafants, pri- foncrs from La Vendee, are guillotined or jfhot at Nantes. 31. l*erigord Tayleyrand, biihop of Autun, or- dered to leave England. Feb. I . Monf. La Borde, the former court banker, and father of La Borde de Merville, an ex- conftituent, is forced to purchafe his liberty with a large fum of money. The opera of " Toute la Grece'* is in great vogue — the ftory of it is, that Philip, feeing all Greece rifmg in a mafs, begs for peace; Greece refufes to make peace with a King. Report to the convention, that excellent foap is made of potatoes. 4. Slavery abolifhed in all the colonies. 5. Pichegru appointed commander of the army of the North in the room of Jourdan. The treafurer Cambon ftates to the conven- tion that lafl year 4,885,764 livres were

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