07 Dec

night the fhrine of St. Genevieve, the pa- tronefs of Paris, and whom the Parifians always refpefted peculiarly ; it is carried to the Mint. 7. Gabet and his conflitutional clergy renounce in the convention the facerdotal character. Madame Roland is condemned to death and executed the fame day, with five municipal officers of Pont-de-Ce. 1 1. Feftival of Reafon, in the cathedral of Paris. A woman is appointed to receive the ho- mage there which is denied to the Deity. 12. The royalifts of La Vendee continue their fucceiTes. The Picdmontefe flill unfuccefsful, lofing their camp and ftores at La Magdeleine, The national vengeance is at length glutted with the blood of the inhabitants of Lyons; between 2 and 3000 perfons have been malTacred by tying them together, and firing upon them with cafe-fliot; and the fabre finilhed thofe whofe wounds were not mortal. Fort-Louis furrenders to the allies. 200 per- fons are guillotined at Strafbourg for hefita- ting to pay their proportion of a fum order- ed to be raifcd in that city within 24 hours.

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