mayor of Etampes, mafPacred the 3d of March in an infurreftion": 6. Maflacre at Bruflels. Reduflion of the monies allowed for the pay and entertainment of the King's minifters. 8. The King refufes to ratify the decree for en- camping 20,000 men near Paris. 1 3. Roland, Claviere, and Servan, difmiffed from the minillrv. C 27 ] Ordered that all pedigrees of nobility be burnt, and all papers relative thereto. A number of patriotic gifts to fupport the expence of the war. The tree of liberty planted in all parts. 20. In order to force the King to fan£tion fome decrees to which he had given a negative, the people go to the Tuilleries, break op^n the gates, and burft into the apartments. The King conducts himfelf with great firm- nefs. The high national court at Orleans condemns Monfieur, the Count d' Artois, and the Prince of Conde, to be beheaded, and their property confequently to be forfeited. A new mode adopted for proving births, marriages, and burials.