be independent of the royal fanftion. The ceremony of marriage to be confidered hereafter as a civil contraft only. RoulTeau admitted to a place in the Pantheon. The national alTembly declares, that it will not revife the conftitution which it has jufl eflabliflied, before the expiration of thirty years. Sept. The completion of the conftitution announced to the people, and that it will admit of no change. The departments are all occupied in clefting new deputies to reprefent them in a fecond aiTembly. Sixty members are appointed to carry the a£l of the conftitution to the King. 4. The King reftored to liberty. SupprefTion of the order of St. Efprit ; the decorations of the blue ribband to be appro- priated to the King and the Prince-royal only. The King declines to retain a diftinc- ' • tion which he cannot communicate. Decreed, that the Rhine and Rhone be united by a canal. 14. The King accepts the conftitution in form; i.he takes the oath in prefence of the aflembly; and is crowned by the prefident with a con- ftitutional crown.