07 Dec

by which the government is enabled to abo- lifli the duty on fait. ApriL The Prince of Conti takes the civic oath in the municipality of Paris. II. The Abbe Maury and Vifcount Mirabeau attacked by the populace on coming out of the ailembly. The ailembly refufes to acknowledge the Roman Catholick religion as the religion of the flate ; and this refolution is followed by forbidding all particularity of drefs or form in ccclefiaflics. 22. General Paoli, at the head of a deputation from Corfica,prefents himfelf to the national ailembly. 24. Infurre^lion at Marfeilles. May. Report and decree upon the diflurbances at Mount Auban. Monailic vows prohibited in future. C 7 ] 1 7. Orders of knighthood and military deco- rations aboliflied. v,^^ 22. Decreed, that the right of making peace and '■^ war belongs to the people. 25. The Parifians occupied with hanging fe- veral robbers. 'June, Public feminaries and academies of inflruc-

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