07 Dec

accustom himself to draw on fairly-good paper. It is not meant by MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING DRAWING 7 this that such paper as Whatman's is recommended for use in his preliminary work, but rather to guard him against purchasing soft, spongy paper, which will not stand the application of indiarubber for erasing, or of ink for lining in, without damaging its surface or causing the ink to run. Drawing-papers are of two kinds viz., hand-made and machine-made. The former is the best, but is expensive ; while the latter is made in great variety, and, as a consequence, of varying quality. Most students, in learning to draw, require a frequent use of the rubber ; therefore a tolerably hard-faced paper is desirable. Since the advent of so much drawing as now obtains, a new special make of hard-faced, close-textured cartridge paper has been produced for students' use. Lt costs abo.ut 2#. per imperial sheet, and is very suitable for 'the mirposS. ""'For more," advanced work there is, to the writers knowledge, nothing that will compare with Whatman's smooth double-elephant paper, which takes the finest line either in ink or pencil. Rubber. For cleaning drawing-paper, a piece of soft, grey vulcanized rubber should be used, as it will not injure the surface of the paper if properly applied. Its only drawback is the appearance at times in it of small specks of some hard substance like coke-dust, which find their way into it during the process of manufacture ; these, however, are easily removed when detected. For erasing any portion of a line in pencil, a piece of prepared white vulcanized rubber is the best small rectangular pieces of this material are now to be had of any artists' colourman. What are called pencil-erasers, or rubber-sticks-, are now

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